Library Media Center
Let's Read!
Don't know what to read?
Try NoveList Plus to find out!
Check out Livonia Public Library for additional titles and resources
Library Information
Library Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:15 AM to 3 PM
Resources Available
- Over 19,000 books and magazines.
- 35 HP desktops for student use with Internet access.
- Student copier
Loan Period
Students are able to check out up to FOUR books for 3 weeks. Bring your books to the library to renew items if you need them longer.
No food or drink at computers or in the stacks!
Internet Use Guidelines
Students are expected to follow the rules as set forth by the district Acceptable Use Policy (Student LivNet Access Policy).
Remember: Any misuse of LivNet may result in disciplinary action. The student will accept the responsibility of keeping all inappropriate materials and text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the network from entering the school via Livnet. Misuse of LivNet includes, but is not limited to, malicious use of LivNet through hate mail, harassment, profanity, vulgar statements or other discriminatory acts. Illegal installation or use of copyrighted software is not allowed. Use of LivNet for any commercial-for-profit purposes and use of LivNet for noneducational/nondistrict related communications is not allowed. This means that students are NOT allowed to play games on computers and are NOT allowed to go to social networking sites such as Facebook.
To submit work to Phaeton, please send it to
Research Help
Churchill LMC
Welcome to Churchill High School's Library Media Center.
Library Director - Mr. Rapson (
Library Paraprofessional -