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Senior Painted Parking Spot Fundraiser

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Churchill High School Senior Reserved Parking Spot Application 2023

(A Student Activities Fundraiser)

Info: SENIORS will be able to purchase individual parking spots in the student lot at an additional cost. These spots may be decorated at the purchaser’s expense following the guidelines set forth in this document. 

Application Process: SENIORS must first purchase a parking pass from the Business Office in a normal manner (pay in-person or through SchoolPay). Students must then pay the painted spot fundraiser fee through SchoolPay. Upon completing the payment, students should fill out the GOOGLE FORM and submit. Once completed, the Student Activities Office will contact the student via email to get started. Reserved spots in the RESERVED PARKING LOT will only be available to the first 35 paid applicants. Students will receive their reserved spot at the time of payment and approval. After the initial 35 spots, senior painted parking spots are still available in the first row near the tennis courts.

Decorating Process: Approved applicants will have between AUGUST 19th and September 6th to complete parking spot artwork. No painting will be allowed after the 6th. Students are required to clean up their area (including paint and brushes) when they are finished. 

Paint Policies: Approved applicants must provide their own water-based, latex paint and supplies. Water-based exterior latex paint is recommended and can be found at home improvement, hardware, and paint stores.

NO spray paint. NO oil-based paint. NO reflective paint. NO glitter. NO clearcoat. 

Students may not cover parking spot lines. Students must leave a 4-inch border, unpainted, between the parking spot lines and the design. It is advisable to tape this area off before beginning. 

Designs must be school appropriate:

NO offensive language, flags, pictures, or symbols. NO negative, offensive, or rude language. NO “gang-style” tagging. NO double meanings. NO names (other than your own). 

Prohibited items will be painted over at the discretion of the administration. 

Cost: $30 (AFTER the regular purchase of a parking pass).





Reserved Parking Spot Suggested Materials, Tips, and Hints   

Chalk to sketch design first


Paint brushes and/or paint rollers


Paint roller extension


Paint pans of plastic containers for water, paint, and  brushes


Blue painter’s tape (4 inches wide)


Plastic drop cloth to put under paint cans


Broom and/or dust blower to sweep parking spot  


Old cloths or paper towels


A bag for your trash


 Use Google to search for ideas and inspiration!

Click HERE to access the Google Form for the Senior Reserved Painted Parking Spot. 

Click HERE to access the SchoolPay Website to pay for your reserved spot AND your regular parking pass. 

Click HERE to complete the REGULAR parking pass application (seniors only at this time).